Belajar Pemasaran Bersama Kelompok Pemuda “Permata”: Pelatihan Literasi Digital di Dusun Gatak, Cangkringan
Martha Lusiana, Jeanny Dhewayani, Alviani Permata
This activity aims to respond to the interest and curiosity of young people in entrepreneurship by providing them with knowledge and understanding of digital literacy, culture, ethics, and business motivation in entrepreneurship. In this case, the university assists with training to foster village development and welfare through empowering its youth. By conducting such training, the participation of young people in developing their hamlet can increase. The community service team delivered the training in two phases of participatory. The first training involved explaining various topics, including marketing knowledge, using social media for marketing, ethics in digital business, and the process of planning and producing marketing content on social media. The second training focused on practical exercises in creating marketing content for social media. The results of this training include a growing awareness of ethical selling practices and an understanding of the content production and evaluation process in social-media businesses. The digital literacy skills training enhanced awareness of ethical trading and social media usage, as well as through engaging in digital marketing content production activities.
business marketing, digital literacy, participatory, social media, youth
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