PkM Kerangka Kewirausahaan Umkm Berbasis Digital bagi Desa Jelijih Punggang di Puputan Bali
Andreas James Darmawan
The development of the MSME economic sector is the spearhead of defense and business continuity for a village; Jelijih Punggang Village, located in Puputan Bali, is one of the villages that has a vision of developing a digital-based economic sector. This vision was welcomed by the Digital Business (BD) study program of the Bali Institute of Design and Business; with the same scientific basis, the BD study program created a digital-based MSME entrepreneurship framework as an effort to improve the village economy. The purpose of this research is an effort to assist and participate in the development of the Jelijih Punggang Village MSME business with the use of digital technology that is needed and facilitates the development process and is appropriate in business applications. The method used is qualitative with purposive data collection; with intense communication with Jelijih Punggang Village officials, as well as the village community as MSME actors. The results of the research are in the form of an initial framework for digitalbased MSME entrepreneurship that is socialized through village meetings, with further discussion and coordination sessions to get the right framework formula. The conclusion of this research is expected to be a guideline in the implementation of assistance and learning in the form of workshops; both online and offline, as well as preparation for taking social media management certification for MSME players for the independence of digital economic development in Jelijih Punggang Village.
Jelijih Punggang Village, digital entrepreneurship framework, MSME players
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