Penerapan Sistem Informasi pemasaran berbasis Android pada UMKM Batik Tanjung Bumi Bangkalan Madura
yeni kustiyahningsih, Eza Rahmanita, jaka purnama
There are 2 batik SMEs that will become partners in this activity, namely Batik Sumber Arafat and TIA Batik. Batik Sumber Arafat has 60 craftsmen and TIA Batik has 25 craftsmen. The urgency of this service is that the level of sales of the two MSMEs has decreased by almost 50% during the co-19 pandemic. Even though the two partners have done online marketing through whatt app. However, it has not been able to boost sales as usual. One of the factors causing low sales is still manual marketing, word of mouth and lack of widespread promotion. Management of batik data management, customer data, updating of Batik stocks, batik catalogs, business profiles, artisan data and circulation of batik raw materials, as well as sales reports are still done manually. This causes service to buyers to be slow. Therefore, an Android-based marketing information system application is needed to help deal with problems in the field of data management and batik marketing. This program aims to increase batik sales and improve sales services to buyers with faster service times. The result of this dedication is the application of the "Masaronbatik" information system which can assist partners in the process of selling, marketing and managing batik data.
marketing, Tanjung Bumi, batik, SMEs, “masaronbatik”, data management
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