Pelatihan ELING SIBER untuk Promosi Objek Wisata Budaya Ciung Wanara Menggunakan Media WhatApps Group Bagi Kelompok Karang Taruna Ciung Wanara Dusun Karangkamulyan
Awaludin Nugraha, Irna Sari Maulani, Dedeh Rohayati, Yana Setia Maulana, Panji Yudha Uttama , Jujun Kharismawan
The organization of Karang Taruna Ciung Wanara in Dusun Karangkamulyan has been existed as one of stakeholders in area of Ciung Wanara Cultural Tourism Object for many years. It is inevitable that the organization of Karang Taruna Ciung Wanara has been part of the development of the Ciung Wanara Cultural Tourismn Object. This community service is aimed to provide the members of the organization of Karang Taruna Ciung Wanara in Dusun Karangkamulyan the extension of ELING SIBER (E-Writing Slogan Iklan Berbahasa Inggris) that is useful for promoting and the development of Ciung Wanara Cultural Tourism Object. This community service involves 10 members of Karang Taruna Ciung Wanara using the method of Project-based Learning. Primary data are obtained through a set of tests. The result of test indicates that the members of Karang Taruna Ciung Wanara has an increase of the knowledge on ELING SIBER. The average of the pre-test is 50; and it increases to 70 on average of post-test. In addition, the score of ELING SIBER construction which is on the basis of project (Do It Yourself) is categorized as good (covers 3 on average). It indicates that the members of Karang Taruna Ciung Wanara can create the English slogan that supports the idea of business. The result of this community service recommends the organization of Karang Taruna Ciung Wanara to apply ELING SIBER for promoting and development of Ciung Wanara Cultural Tourism Object.
Ciung Wanara, e-writing, advertisement, slogan, project-based learning
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