Pendampingan “Manajemen Stres” bagi Relawan Kemanusiaan Gempa Bumi Di Cianjur, Jawa Barat

Antonius Dieben Robinson Manurung, Yosephin Sri Sutanti, Agung Sigit Santoso

The existence of the Pancasila Grounding Movement (GPP), which shows community service activities as an independent and open organization, has a concern for encouraging and supporting synergistic collaboration for all parties, both government and society, in grounding Pancasila through real activities. Furthermore, the Community Service Implementation Team of the Faculty of Psychology, Mercu Buana University (UMB) in collaboration with the DPP of the Pancasila Earthing Movement (GPP) aims to provide assistance related to stress management as a solution in the field of psychology, especially occupational health psychology in preventing and dealing with stress experienced by students. against. who are also survivors of the earthquake in Cianjur, West Java. The things observed and discovered by the implementing team together with the partner team before the PPM program took place were formulated into 2 (two) main problems, namely: 1) lack of understanding regarding stress and the impacts it causes; 2) lack of understanding of good stress management to improve humanitarian services. Therefore, to overcome the above problems, it is necessary to provide provision in the form of stress management assistance for opponents as an application of occupational health psychology and at the same time develop adaptive strategies and methods to strengthen each other between opponents in Cianjur, West Java. This activity is expected to increase understanding and knowledge as well as changes regarding post-disaster mental health based on the noble values of Pancasila and stress management approaches for volunteers. This activity takes place through a planning and organizing process, as well as measurable monitoring and evaluation, through the preparation of debriefing/mentoring materials, pre-post tests, activity evaluation, observation before, process and after the activity. The results of monitoring and evaluation form the basis for developing a continuous learning program. Therefore, this program assistance is designed in such a way using an experiential learning approach method, adaptive to situations and conditions to help each volunteer have a strong reflective attitude regarding every action in humanitarian services helping survivors of the Cianjur natural disaster, West Java. This mentoring program for humanitarian volunteers has shown positive results, especially related to increasing knowledge and understanding of the concept and application of stress management. Apart from that, the mentoring participants gained new enthusiasm and received reinforcement from the mentors, especially in terms of calling, sincerity and sincerity of humanitarian volunteers in helping survivors of the Cianjur earthquake disaster, West Java.

earthquake, stress management, accompaniment, inclusion, stress

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