Psikoedukasi Literasi Dasar Kesehatan Mental di Setting Sekolah sebagai Upaya Promosi Kesehatan Mental Remaja

Vivian Angela, Anita Novianty

The prevalence of adolescents and young adults experienced the symptoms of mental health problems tend to high. Previous research showed that mental health literacy had positive contribution toward help seeking attitudes. As follow-up to the initial assessment towards students and school institutions, this study was implemented as psychoeducation in terms of mental health literacy training activities. This research hypothesized that there was a change in average mental health literacy score of the students after the psychoeducation was given. Quantitative approach with pre-posttest design was employed in this study to measure the mental health literacy level of adolescent. Participants consisted of high school level students recruited with purposive sampling method in private schools in Jakarta (n=280), aged 14-17 years old, grades 10 to 12. Multicomponent Mental Health Literacy (MMHL) in Bahasa Indonesia was used as the instrument, and paper-pen questionnaires were given to the students before and after the activities. Inferential statistics using t-test was applied to analyse data. The results showed that overall, there was a decrease in the average of the mental health literacy score in the pre-post-test. The implication of this research shown that the further investigation of mental health literacy instrument that matched the student’s characteristic in school is needed. The detailed results and implication will be discussed.

mental health literacy, psychoeducation, school, students

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