Penyelidikan Dan Sosialisasi Aspek Pendorong dan Penghambat Kepedulian Masyarakat Terhadap Pencegahan Stunting
Solimun Solimun, Eni Sumarminingsih, Sasi Wilujeng Sri Rejeki, Luthfia Hanun Yuli Arini
Sumberputih Village, Wajak Subdistrict, is one of the areas that pioneered the stunting prevention acceleration program. However, 63% of the Sumberputih Village community feels less concerned about stunting prevention (study results through doctoral service in 2022). This is because the community considers stunting a disgrace. On the other hand, religious institutions in the local area have not made an optimal contribution. Therefore, community empowerment activities are needed to increase awareness of stunting prevention programs in Sumberputih Village. The community service activity begins with a study (research) on the driving and inhibiting aspects of community awareness in stunting prevention. The results are socialized to the community. The research in this activity uses a quantitative approach, starting with the SLR application to extract variables. Then, data collection through surveys and research instruments in the form of questionnaires, with a sample of 200 housewives. The results of descriptive analysis from the survey with questionnaires show that the awareness of the Sumberputih Village, Wajak Subdistrict community is quite high. The research data was analyzed using multiple regression. The SLR application obtained four variables: needs, knowledge, information, and attitudes. Multiple regression analysis showed that the most influential variable on public awareness in stunting prevention was needed, and the second was information. The results of this study were then socialized to the community in collaboration with Sumberputih village cadres and community leaders. Socialization is also done by distributing digital posters through the media so the community can more easily get information about the prevention of stunting. Socialization and coordination with cadres, community leaders, and Sumberputih Village officials went well, and there was enthusiasm for the plan to counsel the community. It is hoped that the village government will work with Sumberputih Village leaders to increase public awareness of the stunting prevention program. For the sustainability of this program, they plan to conduct counseling to the community about stunning.
community awareness, information, need, stunting, Sumberputih
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