Edukasi Bahaya Leptospirosis dan Anthrax di Masyarakat Tempuran Wetan Ngawen Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta
Talitha Krismara, Vinsa Praksita, Erick Laiyo
The high cases of leptospirosis and anthrax have recently become a concern for the government and society. Indonesia tropical and subtropical climates is a good environment for leptospirosis and anthrax. As a form of community service, we want to educate the community of Tempuran about the dangers of leptospirosis and anthrax aiming to provide knowledge about leptospirosis and anthrax so the community commit to do a healthy and sanitary lifestyle to prevent this infectious disease. The target of this program is Tempuran Wetan community. The methods used in this program are educational socialization and case studies by presenting materials, playing educational video, and distributing leaflets about the prevention of leptospirosis and anthrax so the community can implement the health education. The socialization activities were carried out twice, first on Wednesday, July 12th 2023, the women's farmer association day, and second Thursday, July 13th 2023, at the posyandu activities. The conclusion of this program is the socialization and education al health went well and was greeted with great enthusiasm by the Tempuran Wetan community. The obstacle during the program was that not all residents could come to take part in health education activities because of their busy activities.
anthrax, Gunung Kidul, leptospirosis, Tempuran Wetan
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