Edukasi Pencegahan dan Deteksi Dini Kanker Sebagai Upaya Penurunan Kasus Kanker di Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta

Lili Ananta Saputra

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Yogyakarta province is ranked first in the prevalence of cancer in Indonesia. In 2022, women aged 30-50 years who performed early cancer detection IVA and Clinical Breast Examination (Sadanis) in Bantul Regency was only 6.0%. The lowest rate is in Kelurahan Argorejo. Cancer education is expected to reduce the prevalence of cancer. Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana (UKDW) provides education about “Prevention and Early Detection of Cancer through Anatomic Pathology”. The education program was held in Padukuhan Semampir, Argorejo. The target participant was 30 PKK housewives. The method used in this activity is interactive lecture. The educational material explained was about the definition, symptoms, prevention, and early detection of cancer. Participants were very enthusiastically participated in the activity, answered questions correctly, and some shared their experiences about cancer. It is hoped that the coverage rate of IVA and Sadanis at the local health center will increase and also raise awareness of cancer so as to reduce the prevalence of cancer in Bantul. This health education program is expected to continue with a wider target audience

anatomical pathology, cancer, early detection, prevention

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