Gambaran Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan terhadap Pengetahuan, Sikap dan Perilaku SADARI Sebagai Pencegahan Kanker Payudara pada Siswi SMK PGRI Pamijahan Bogor

Luthfia Ayu Wicaksana, Marina Astrid Rumawas, Yasavati Kurnia

Breast cancer is the second most common incident in the world with an Incidence Rate (IR) varies in each country. Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women after cervical cancer. The severity of breast cancer as a problem in Indonesia is showed from the number of breast cancer patients looking for treatment, where 60-70% of patients are already in stage III-IV which is an advanced stage due to late detection. Sufferers of breast cancer starting to invades a younger age woman, as early detection of breast cancer, women need to do SADARI examination regularly as an effort to prevent breast cancer with early detection. One way to socialize SADARI is through health counseling as a form of community service. To have the health counseling effectiveness it can be accompanied by use questionnaire before and after the health counseling in same time to understand the knowledge of breast cancer, behaviour and attitudes towards SADARI examination as prevention of breast cancer for young women. The schoolgirls of SMK PGRI PAMIJAHAN Bogor on academic year 2019/2020 selected as subject and respondens. Many as 199 schoolgirls were willing and fulfilling the inclusion criteria as respondents. The results of the study were then analyzed univariately by looking at the distribution of frequency at each variable and bivariately using the paired T-Test sample test for the hypothesis test. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of SADARI examination among the students SMK PGRI PAMIJAHAN before and after the health counseling has been done

breast cancer, health education, SADARI

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