Pemodelan Ekosistem Desa Lestari berbasis Agrikultur dan Ekonomi Kreatif

Gregorius Sri Wuryanto Prasetyo Utomo, Eka Adhi Wibowo

A sustainable village ecosystem model based on agriculture and a creative economy is a strategic step for assisting the community transformation process in Padukuhan Bulu, Candirejo Village, Kapanewon Semanu Gunungkidul. This model includes a spatial development plan and spatial activity programmes with the conception of a sustainable village. The concept of Desa Lestari implies an idea to manage food self-sufficiency (based on agriculture) and creative human resource capacity development with economic impact (based on creative economy). These two bases of self-sufficiency are pursued in a sustainable manner by considering the carrying capacity of available natural and human resources. The ecosystem modelling concept involves the relationship between community social activities and spatial landscape design. This relationship forms an activation programme involving the roles of actors in the ecosystem that form a unity of socio-spatial functions to support the sustainability of independent living together. Self-sufficiency in the field of food demands the availability of a variety of food products that must be fulfilled by residents' agricultural land and plantations. Meanwhile, the activation of creative human resources for creative economic empowerment programmes is intended as a support system for financial resilience and community economic empowerment.

village ecosystem modelling, sustainable village, agriculture, creative economy

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