Penyuluhan Hukum Bisnis Kepada Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah Desa Cipanjalu

Euclea Theda Ethelind, Riki Martusa, Meythi Meythi

Business law is a legal instrument that regulates procedures and conduct of business or trading, industrial or financial activities in connection with the exchange of goods and services, production activities and cash investment activities carried out by companies. Most of the women in Cipanjalu Village work as housewives. On the sidelines, some of the women have businesses, namely by selling. This is done to be able to increase the family economy. There are various kinds of this business, but it's just that some of them don't have a trademark on their respective business packaging. That's why a training on business law was held by Maranatha Christian University students in the Independent Thematic KKN program. The method used in this activity is service learning by measuring success in the form of questionnaires filled out by participants before and after the material counseling is carried out. The results showed that mothers were enthusiastic in participating in this counseling. There is an increase in the knowledge of mothers related to business law and the importance of knowing the types of businesses, the importance of understanding brands, patents, trade secrets.

business law, merck, UMKM

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