Pelatihan Software Akuntansi Accurate Online untuk Siswa/i SMK Yadika 1 Tegal Alur

Febriani Cristina Susianti Magdalena, Diana Frederica, Eva Oktavini

Technological developments require an accountant to be proficient in technology. PT Ultima Tekno Solusindo (UTS) develops accounting software that provides many conveniences for someone who will process accounting reports. SMK Yadika 1 Tegal Alur has a concentration in Accounting and Institutional Finance, therefore the school proposes training for students to develop their skills in the field of accurate online software. The purpose of this activity is to ensure that students can understand the purpose of using accurate online accounting software for companies, can operate accurate online accounting software easily and precisely, and can overcome problems that occur during the use of accurate online accounting software. Lecturers together with Ukrida Accounting students provided accurate online training for SMK Yadika Tegal Alur students in Accounting Lab Room at SMK Yadika Tegal Alur with a total of 67 students participants. Ukrida's lecturers and accounting students provide presentation and assistance during the training, then students immediately practice and receive assistance when experiencing difficulties. The school principal gave a positive response to this activity and hoped it could continue in the other class below the participants

Accounting, Technology, Accounting Information System, Software Accurate online, UTS.

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