Analisis Pasar untuk Pengembangan Wisata Bumi Perkemahan Bumdes Kertajaya, Kabupaten Cianjur
Maria Natalia, Debbianita Debbianita
Tourism is one of West Java's greatest potentials. One of the tourism potentials that needs to be developed is the tourism potential in Kertajaya Village. BUM Desa Kertajaya is committed to developing one of the tourism potentials in their village, namely camping tourism. To determine the magnitude of the market potential that exists in the development of camping tourism, it is necessary to conduct market research either by going directly to the field or by collecting data from various sources. BUM Desa Kertajaya in collaboration with the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Business, Maranatha Christian University is trying to conduct market research to determine the size of the market in developing camping tourism. This research is descriptive in nature, which describes the condition of the people around Kertajaya Village, which can be seen from various aspects including demographic, psychographic, management and organizational, environmental, financial, and economic & social aspects, in relation to camping tourism which will be managed by BUMDes. The data analysis used in this research is qualitative data analysis while the data collection techniques used in this research are document study and survey techniques. The results of this study indicate that based on demographic aspects, psychographic aspects, management and organizational aspects, environmental aspects, financial aspects as well as economic and social aspects, camping tourism in Kertajaya Village, Ciranjang District has very good market prospects. This can be seen from the data that 97.4% of respondents are interested in camping as a tour. The suggestion for the concept of developing this Camping Ground tourism is a family camp equipped with camping equipment including campfires, offering Campground services and tents built in mountainous and hilly areas not far from water tourism sites.
BUM Desa, camping ground, Kertajaya village, tourism, tourism villag
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